Monday, January 6
No school–Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday,January 7
6th: Read and Annotate “Point” side of “School Bullying”; TEA statement for TQ #1
7th: Read and Annotate Pro side “Dangers of Social Media” Write an academic summary
AVID: Grade Checks; Career Video
Wednesday, January 8
6th: Read and Annotate “Counterpoint” side of “School Bullying”; TEA statement for TQ #2
7th: Read and Annotate Con side “Dangers of Social Media” Write an academic summary
AVID: Write a Summary for yesterday’s notes
Thursday, January 9
6th: Group Writing Prompt
7th: Complete Writing prompt on page 442
AVID: College Questionnaire
Friday, January 10
6th: Mini Debates in Class
7th: Mini Debates in Class (you will need to make a claim and outline arguments for both pro and con about a topic of your choosing)
AVID: Finish College Questionnaire